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September 10,2018

Cold water not coming out of the shower

Summertime is when you probably would like to take some cool shower, but then the problem of not getting cold water out of the shower can be unbearable. When this happens, there is a possibility that your shower cartridge is bad or needs to be replaced. When you have a defective pressure balancing spool which makes up the cartridge inside your shower faucet, your shower may have the problem of supplying cold water hence the need to replace the cartridge. The good news is, Mr. Rooter Plumbing can help you fix that problem

Replacing the Cartridge of your Shower

The build-up of corrosion lodged inside the faucet of your shower over a long period may be the reason your cartridge becomes bad. To make it easier to replace the cartridge of your shower, youll need special tools designed to thread onto the old cartridge, so it becomes easier to pull out the old cartridge. And this is where Mr. Rooter Plumbing comes in. Our experienced plumbers in Pittsburgh are well equipped with the right tools to replace your shower cartridge.

Below are some of the tools needed to replace the cartridge of your shower.

  • Cartridge Puller
  • Flathead and Philips Screwdriver
  • Needle-nose pliers
  • Silicon grease
  • Hex keys or Allen wrenches
  • Locking pliers

With the right tools as mentioned above, you can do it yourself by following the process below:

I. Turn off the water supply to the shower faucet

II. Remove the handle of the faucet using the screwdriver

III. Remove the metal cover under the faucet handle to reveal the valve stem from the shower wall

IV. With the aid of the needle nose plier, pull the retainer clip out of the top of the valve body

V. Tug on the valve stem and pull it out such that the space inside the valve body becomes exposed. The cartridge is lining the wall of the space.

VI. Remove the cartridge from the faucet using the cartridge puller. The function of the cartridge puller varies depending on the model. Therefore it is advisable that you follow the guide on the manufacturers manual while using the cartridge puller.

VII. Find the exact match of your cartridge at any home improvement centers or hardware stores.

VIII. Line the inside of the valve body and the new cartridge with silicon grease such that it slides into the valve body easily.

IX. Insert the new cartridge into the valve body and put back the outer part of the faucet that was removed earlier. Also, remember to put the retainer clip back into the valve stem

X. Turn on the water supply to the shower

You may then choose to test the water to ensure that the cold water supply is now functioning properly. If the cold and hot water is reversed after the faucet has been reinstalled, it means that the cartridge was inserted backward. To fix that, remove the cartridge and turn it upside down and then fix it right back.

However, you may choose to save yourself the stress by calling Mr. Rooter Plumbing to fix the problem so you will stop experiencing an irregular cold shower or shoddy water pressure. Call Mr. Rooter Plumbing today for affordable water heater services.

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